How Boudoir Sparks Intimacy and Makes You Energetically Irresistible

Let’s talk about what boudoir can do for your intimacy. Like, what does it really mean to take your experience with boudoir and have it change your every day life?

We have sooooooo many negative ideas about ourselves. And damn, do they without a doubt drag us down. Without us even realizing!

It affects how you hold yourself in public, how you dress, how you see yourself, the energy you’re putting out there, and yes- YOUR SEX LIFE.

There’s literally nothing worse than feeling like shit about yourself and then trying to do the dirty. It’s just a no go.

And for a lot of people, that’s because it’s a defense mechanism! You’re trying to protect yourself from feeling bad about your body or being hurt/ rejected. You CAN’T see your truth because you’re so disconnected from that side of you!

Boudoir is like a magic potion for self confidence. It SMASHES that wall down for you!

It says, actually - you’re hot af. You’re more uniquely gorgeous than you really ever knew. You look through your photos and look at your imperfections through kinder eyes. Maybe you see the beauty in you as a whole person instead of focusing on the little things you always have.

When you finally see that?

Game over.

You’re IMMEDIATELY magnetic AF. You’re feelin’ yourself! You’ve ALWAYS been irresistible, your energy was just stuck and not always letting you embrace it.

You’re going to feel more at ease being naked/ seen sexually because you’re connected to that side of you. You’ve taken it in your own hands and deeply reconnected to your inner goddess fire that’s been waiting for you.

And THAT, is fucking special. It brings a spark that will be contagious and magnetic and irresistible.

Get it girl. You deserve to OWN and KNOW you’re sexy.